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All items tagged with: 'raspberry-pi'

RSS feed for this tag.

11-03-2025 22:11525Safely expose the Kubernetes Dashboard in Traefik k3s via a ServersTransport
17-07-2024 23:22517nameConstraints on your Self Signed Root CA in Kubernetes with cert-manager
17-07-2024 04:22516Self-signed Root CA in Kubernetes with k3s, cert-manager and traefik. Bonus howto on regular certificates
15-07-2024 20:11514Password protect web services in Kubernetes (k3s/traefik) with basic auth
11-07-2024 23:39512Using nodeSelector to deploy a Kubernetes Helm chart only on x86/amd64 nodes, not arm64
10-07-2024 20:39511Kubernetes (k3s) Ingress for different domains (virtual hosts)
09-07-2024 22:30510High Available k3s kubernetes cluster with keepalived, galera and longhorn
28-06-2024 22:30509My First Kubernetes: k3s 'cluster' on 3 Orange Pi Zero 3's, including the dashboard, hello-node and failover
25-06-2024 22:30508Netboot (PXE) Armbian on an Orange Pi Zero 3 from SPI with NFS root filesystem
02-04-2022472Build a WeatherTerminal app for the Seeed reTerminal (with Qt 6 & QML)
18-03-2022471Yocto boot2qt for the Seeed reTerminal (Qt 6)
26-02-2022469Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 eMMC flashing issue (nRPI_BOOT)
21-02-2022467Yocto boot2qt for the Raspberry Pi 4, both Qt 5.15 and 6.2
10-07-2021449Using IceWM and a Raspberry Pi as my main PC, sharing my theme, config and some tips and tricks.
27-07-2016280Raspberry Pi unattended upgrade Raspbian to Debian Testing
01-10-2015256Make OpenELEC/Kodi work with the Sitecom CN-524/ Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) 8510 A10 Bluetooth USB adapter on the Raspberry Pi.
03-05-2015245Raspberry Pi Arcade Machine
21-03-2015240Olimex OlinuXino A20 LIME2 mainline 4.0.0 kernel, u-boot and debian rootfs image building tutorial
04-02-2015229Raspberry Pi FM radio transmitter with Buttons
28-01-2015228Olimex OlinuXino A20 LIME2 Minimal Debian 7 Image
09-01-2015224Broken Corrupted Raspberry Pi SD Card
20-12-2014214Olimex OlinuXino a10 Lime uBoot, Kernel and root image guide
01-12-2014212IPSEC L2TP VPN on Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp
31-10-2014199Olimex OlinuXino a10 Lime Minimal Debian 7 Image
29-08-2014188Build a $35 Time Capsule - Raspberry Pi Time Machine Backup Server
28-04-2014175Transmission Web on a Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux
15-10-2013132Set up your own truly secure, encrypted and shared file synchronization, aka Dropbox clone
07-11-201250Small low cost linux pc's, an overview from 11-2012