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All items tagged with: 'apple'

RSS feed for this tag.

15-06-2023 01:30497My 24 year old HP Jornada can do things your modern iPhone still can't do!
24-05-2020405I had to jailbreak my iPhone to change the default browser...
29-08-2014188Build a $35 Time Capsule - Raspberry Pi Time Machine Backup Server
14-03-2014168OS X: Remove all Apple Remote Dekstop settings
03-09-2013122OS X - Enable access for assistive devices via the command line
02-09-2013121OS X - Applescript to lock date and time preference panel to fix local sudo exploit
10-07-2013109OS X: Disable Notification Center
04-06-2013100OS X - Turn Bonjour off or on via the command line
03-06-201399OS X - Turn off sleep from the command line
02-06-201398OS X - Create Hardware report SPX and save it to a AFP share
10-05-201396OS X: Turn firewall on or off from the command line
02-05-201391Join Mac OS X to an Active Directory / OpenDLAP directory from the commandline
11-12-201257Resize OS X Mountain Lion installer to fit on a single layer 4.7 GB DVD
05-12-201255Set OS X hostname from the commandline