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Fast MQTT logger (to syslog)
Published: 25-03-2025 21:33 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article
Table of Contents
For almost 5 years I've been using the mqtt-data-logger
python script to log all MQTT communication. This script works, but is a bit limited in how it stores logs (files per time it's started) and it often can't keep up with the message rate (tens of thousands per second) of my mqtt brokers.
So I've written a new tool in C++ to log all MQTT messages to syslog and optionally to the terminal. Then, via syslog, you can send it to where ever you like, be it a file or an ELK (Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana) stack. It even compiles without syslog support, if you only want to log to a file or the terminal.
There's a docker image and a docker compose file, so you can easily deploy it wherever you have an MQTT broker running.
Kibana showing the tool logging via rsyslog to logstash, the test.mosquitto.org broker
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Every message is logged on a separate thread in a thread pool, which is what makes is fast and able to process thousands of messages per second as long as your system has enough resources. Using Pipe Viewer to measure lines per second from a test broker:
$ ./remys_fast_mqtt_logger -b test.mosquitto.org:1883 | pv --line-mode --rate --average-rate >/dev/null
[4.79k/s] (3.35k/s)
This is similar to mosquitto_sub
$ mosquitto_sub -h test.mosquitto.org -p 1883 -t "#" | pv --line-mode --rate --average-rate >/dev/null
[3.39k/s] (3.37k/s)
Connection failures are logged and handled with an automatic reconnect.
It is cross-platform, meaning that if you don't have syslog.h
, it will also
compile and run, but it only prints to the terminal.
Source Code and Downloads
The source code can be found on github.
A ready made docker image is here.
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
The program is written using C++ 17 and uses CMake as the build system.
Install dependencies
The following libraries are required to build and run the application:
- Paho MQTT C++ library.
On Ubuntu/Debian:
apt install libpaho-mqttpp-dev libpaho-mqtt-dev build-essential git
Clone or download the repository:
Clone the git repository or download the source code:
git clone https://github.com/RaymiiOrg/remys_fast_mqtt_logger
Use CMake:
cd remys_fast_mqtt_logger
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
The logger can be configured with command line options or $ENVIRONMENT
variables. The latter don't end up in your shell history and are used in the
Command line arguments
-b BROKER, --broker=BROKER
- The MQTT broker URL (including the port) to connect to.
- Example:
-t TOPIC, --topic=TOPIC
- The MQTT topic to subscribe to.
- Default is
(subscribe to all topics).
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
- Username for authenticating with the MQTT broker.
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
- Password for authenticating with the MQTT broker.
-f FACILITY, --facility=FACILITY
- The syslog facility to log to. Must prefix with
. - Default is
- The syslog facility to log to. Must prefix with
-s, --no-log-to-stderr
- Disable logging to STDERR
- Default is disabled, meaning messages will be logged to both stderr and syslog unless specified.
Environment Variables
You can configure the application using the following environment variables:
: MQTT broker URL (e.g.,mqtt.example.com:1883
: MQTT broker username.PASSWORD
: MQTT broker password.TOPIC
: MQTT topic to subscribe to (default:#
: Syslog facility (default:LOG_LOCAL6
: Disable logging toSTDERR
(default: on)
Example Commands
Basic usage:
./remys_fast_mqtt_logger -b "mqtt.example.com:1883" \
-t "home/livingroom/temperature" \
-u "user" \
-p "password"
Viewing Logs in Syslog
To view logs for LOG_LOCAL6
in journalctl:
journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=22
Or to view logs directly in log file:
tail -f /var/log/syslog
rsyslog and logrotate config
You can save logs to /var/log/mqtt_msgs.log
if you have
configured rsyslog accordingly:
vim /etc/rsyslog.d/30-local6.conf
local6.* /var/log/mqtt_msgs.log
touch /var/log/mqtt_msgs.log
chmod 644 /var/log/mqtt_msgs.log
chown syslog:adm /var/log/mqtt_msgs.log
Configure logrotate
to not delete these logs:
vim /etc/logrotate.d/remys_fast_mqtt_logger
/var/log/mqtt_msgs.log {
size 100M
rotate 9999
create 0644 root root
systemctl reload rsyslog > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
To build and run the application with docker, use the following commands inside the git checkout.
Build and run the Docker image:
docker build -t mqtt-logger .
docker run --env BROKER=test.mosquitto.org mqtt_logger
Or, use my image and run the Docker container:
docker run --name remys_fast_mqtt_logger --env BROKER=test.mosquitto.org raymii/remys_fast_mqtt_logger:latest
There is also a docker-compose.yml
file included
which you can edit and use:
docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f
[+] Running 1/1
Container mqtt_logger-remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 Created0.0s
Attaching to remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/current', qos='0', retained='true', msg='1.87'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/efficiency', qos='0', retained='true', msg='95.015'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/frequency', qos='0', retained='true', msg='49.96'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/power', qos='0', retained='true', msg='442.2'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/powerfactor', qos='0', retained='true', msg='0.999'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/temperature', qos='0', retained='true', msg='28.6'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/voltage', qos='0', retained='true', msg='236.3'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/yieldday', qos='0', retained='true', msg='5547'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='/116484256345/0/reactivepower', qos='0', retained='true', msg='0.3'
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | topic='SHRDZM/483FDA46C2EE/483FDA46C2EE/sensor', qos='0', retained='false', msg='{
remys-fast-mqtt-logger-1 | "lasterror":"cipherkey not set!",
Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
[+] Stopping 1/1
Tags: apt
, c++
, cpp
, debian
, development
, docker
, docker-compose
, elasticsearch
, kibana
, linux
, logstash
, mqtt
, paho
, rsyslog
, software
, syslog