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Ansible - sudoers safety and sanity checking in playbook
Published: 23-03-2013 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article
❗ This post is over twelve years old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.
Using Ansible to manage the /etc/sudoers file is fine, except when you have a syntax error in your template. This method helps you to only deploy a correct sudoers file.
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I manage the sudo
config (/etc/sudoers/
) via Ansible. My sudo playbook
creates an admin group, adds me to that admin group, and sets some variables in
. I do not have a sudoers template file, because I created the
playbook at a client which has various different sudoers files, which they do
not want to have changed ,because of different nagios checks that needed sudo on
different hosts. However, if you start of clean, then a template file for
is the best choice.
This is the playbook:
- hosts: all
sudo: True
user: remy
connection: ssh # or paramiko
distro: {{ ansible_distribution }}
pkg_mgr: {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}
pbname: {{ inventory_hostname }}
- name: Copy sudoers file for safety
command: cp -f /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.tmp
- name: Create sudoers file backup
command: cp -f /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.bak
- name: Create admins group
group: name=admins system=yes state=present
- name: make sure we can sudo as admin group
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers.tmp state=present regexp='^%admin' line='%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL'
- name: also make sure ssh-agent works via sudo
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers.tmp state=present regexp='^Defaults env_keep\+\=SSH_AUTH_SOCK' line='Defaults env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
- name: Final sudoers file check
shell: visudo -q -c -f /etc/sudoers.tmp && cp -f /etc/sudoers.tmp /etc/sudoers
We create the
group, to which all users that need sudo are added by other playbooks.We copy the remote sudoers file to a temp one and perform all actions on the temp sudoers file. We also back up the sudoers file.
We enable the
group to sudoWe make sure
works via sudo. This was used for a git repository on the root user account, to show our own names in the commits.Finally we use
to check if the file is correct, and if so we copy the file over the "original" sudos file.
By using the temp file we make sure we don't have any syntax errors and lock ourselves out of machines, needing to use ILO/DRAC to reset passwords and such. Been there, done that, not funny at all.
Tags: ansible , configuration-management , deployment , python , sudo , sudoers , tutorials , visudo