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All items tagged with: 'openstack'

RSS feed for this tag.

22-08-2018347Linux on Microsoft Azure? Disable this built-in root-access backdoor (wa-linux-agent)
01-07-2018341Windows 7 installer on a KVM Linux VPS (Windows on Digital Ocean)
25-03-2018315OpenStack nova get-password, set-password and post encrypted password to metadata service
17-08-2017307Backup OpenStack object store or S3 with rclone
25-05-2017306Openstack Horizon, remove the loading modal with uBlock Origin
08-04-2017302Burn in testing for new Hypervisor and Storage server hardware
18-03-2017301Openstack Soft Delete - recover deleted instances
20-12-2016297OpenStack: Quick and automatic instance snapshot backup and restore (and before an apt upgrade) with nova backup
14-11-2016294Build a FreeBSD 11.0-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit
10-09-2016286Ansible - Create OpenStack servers with Ansible 2.0 and the os_server module and a dynamic inventory
27-04-2016270Build a FreeBSD 10.3-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit
13-06-2015248Openstack - (Manually) migrating (KVM) Nova compute virtual machines
11-03-2015239Automating Openstack with cloud init run a script on VM's first boot
25-02-2015232Openstack Glance Image Download, download Openstack images
08-02-2015231Installing Virtual Machines with virt-install, plus copy pastable distro install one-liners
22-12-2014216Fix inconsistent Openstack volumes and instances from Cinder and Nova via the database
29-11-2014205Openstack Affinity Groups, make sure instances are on the same or different compute hypervisor hosts
23-11-2014203Build a FreeBSD 10.1-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit
25-07-2014187Building HA Clusters with Ansible and Openstack
11-06-2014181Build a FreeBSD 10.0-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit
29-05-2014179Openstack Horizon installation with SSL on Ubuntu
25-05-2014178Openstack Swift Objectstore Access via FTP
19-05-2014177Encrypted Duplicity Backups to Openstack Swift Objectstore