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That time when one of my HP-UX servers lost half of it's RAM (and how to connect to an HP iLO 2 with modern OpenSSH (7.6+))

Published: 06-06-2018 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article

❗ This post is over six years old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.

One of my favorite sayings is: 'Hardware is stupid, move everything to the cloud!'. The cloud is just someone elses computer, but at least I'm not responsible for the hardware anymore, since hardware breaks. When a VM breaks, because you use configuration management and version control, just roll out a new one. We all know that's not true, but still, the thought of it is nice. A man can have hopes and dreams, even if the harsh reality shoots them down every time.

Last week one of the HP-UX machines had a failing disk and this week it's back with a whole new issue. After it was rebooted (due to issues with the services running on it), the Event Monitoring Service (EMS) sent an email regarding RAM issues and after manual checking it seems the machine lost half of it's RAM.

It should have 16 GB and now it only has 8 GB. You might imagine my suprise. This post goes into my troubleshooting, since I was not able to go to the machine, shut it down and check if the RAM was still there or note part numbers. I'll cover the use of cstm (Support Tool Manager), how to connect to the HP iLO (out of band access) with modern OpenSSH (7.2) and the steps I took to gather information on what might have happened.

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This machine is not under monitoring yet, therefore it is regularly visited and checked manually. You could call that monitoring as well, but I rather have Icinga (or any other tool) doing work for me. An intern doing said things is not considered a tool, sadly (this is a joke). The machine furthermore is part of an older setup (10 years) and is being replaced, so there is not a lot of budget or time allocated. I like to learn new things, so I seize the oppertunity to expand my UNIX knowledge, thus allocating some of my own time to research (and hopefully fix) these issues. Read my other HP-UX articles as well if you like that kind of stuff.

Now that you know some background, let's dive in.

DRAM failure on DIMM XX, deallocate rank

It all started with this nice email from the HP-UX system:

Onderwerp: hpux09: Event Monitor Notification

>------------ Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ------------<

Notification Time: Fri Jun  1 10:59:36 2018

hpux09 sent Event Monitor notification information:

/system/events/ipmi_fpl/ipmi_fpl is >= 3.
Its current value is MAJORWARNING(3).

Event data from monitor:

Event Time..........: Fri Jun  1 10:59:36 2018
Severity............: MAJORWARNING
Monitor.............: fpl_em
Event #.............: 890
System..............: hpux09

     DRAM failure on DIMM XX, deallocate rank

Description of Error:

SFW has detected that a DRAM is failing on the DIMM specified by the physical location. The rank the failing DIMM is part of will be deallocated.

Probable Cause / Recommended Action:

SFW detected a failing DIMM
Replace the DIMM flagged by SFW

Additional Event Data:
     System IP Address...:
     Event Id............: 0x5b110af800000000
     Monitor Version.....: A.01.00
     Event Class.........: System
     Client Configuration File...........:
     Client Configuration File Version...: A.01.00
          Qualification criteria met.
               Number of events..: 1
     Associated OS error log entry id(s):
     Additional System Data:
          System Model Number.............: ia64 hp server rx3600
          EMS Version.....................: A.
          STM Version.....................: D.04.00
          System Serial Number............: DEH48456BK
     Latest information on this event:

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v    D  E  T  A  I  L  S    v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v

IPMI event hex: 0x7a800fa000e00250 0xffffffff010cff74 Time Stamp: Fri Jun  1 08:44:24 2018 Event keyword: MEM_CHIPSPARE_DEALLOC_RANK Alert level name: Warning Reporting vers: 1 Data field type: Reserved Decoded data field:
Reporting entity ID: 0 ( Cab 0 Cell 0 CPU 0 ) Reporting entity Full Name: System Firmware IPMI Event ID : 4000 (0xfa0)

>---------- End Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ----------<

The HP-UX error message is not very helpful, since no actual DIMM location is given:

DRAM failure on DIMM XX, deallocate rank
SFW has detected that a DRAM is failing on the DIMM specified by the physical location. The rank the failing DIMM is part of will be deallocated.

The machine has no DIMM slot XX. The purchase order stated that the machine came with 16 GB of RAM installed. It now only reported 8 GB of memory.

My first thought was to search the part number and purchase replacement modules (or search our own stash of "old stuff"), then doing my regular procedure with RAM issues, only executing the next step if the previous action did not resolve the issue. I've had my fair share of Dell hardware issues (looking at you, noncritical raid controller error after upgrading OpenManage...) so my procedure has proven itself.

  • Apply all available firmware updates for the hardware
  • Do a DIMM swap (slot XX to slot YY) to see if the error is in the slot or in the DIMM
  • Replace the DIMM
  • Replace the motherboard and CPU
  • Contact the manufacturer for warranty

Since this machine is not under a support contract anymore, step 1 and 5 are off the table. HP requires an active support contract to get firmware updates. I do not have access to replacement DIMM's and I was not able to go to the machine to do a DIMM swap (or note part numbers).

The only thing left to do was to dig into the issue and gather as much logging and information as possible, to prepare for a visit to the machine.

However, first I ended up researching a term unfamiliar to me, Memory Ranks.

Memory Ranking

I had never heard of the term Rank in RAM context, but Wikipedia came to the rescue:

Sometimes memory modules are designed with two or more independent sets of DRAM chips connected to the same address and data buses; each such set is called a rank.

There is even an article on Memory Ranking:

A memory rank is a set of DRAM chips connected to the same chip select, which are therefore accessed simultaneously.

That still didn't tell me much, how correct it might be. This site had a very helpfull and practical explanation:

The term "rank" simply refers to a 64-bit chunk of data. In its simplest form, a DIMM with DRAM chips on just one side would contain a single 64-bit chunk of data and would be called a single-rank (1R) module. DIMMs with chips on both sides often contain at least two 64-bit chunks of data and are referred to as dual-rank (2R) modules. Some DIMMs can have DRAM chips on both sides but are configured so that they contain two 64-bit data chunks on each sidefour in totaland are referred to as quad-rank (4R) modules. Quad-rank DIMMs run at a maximum PC3-8500 (DDR3-1066) speed in current architecture.

Now that I had a better understanding of what a memory rank is, my suspicion is that there is one failed memory module and the rest of the modules (after that failed module) are not loaded anymore.

Support Tool Manager

Using cstm I hope to find the part number of the DIMM's so I can at least order a few replacement modules. According to multiple HPe forum posts ctsm should report the part number with this command:

echo "selclass qualifier memory;info;wait;infolog" | /usr/sbin/cstm 

In my case, the output did not contain the part number:

Running Command File (/usr/sbin/stm/ui/config/.stmrc).

-- Information --
Support Tools Manager

Version D.04.00

Product Number B4708AA

(C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co. 1995-2008
All Rights Reserved

Use of this program is subject to the licensing restrictions described
in "Help-->On Version".  HP shall not be liable for any damages resulting
from misuse or unauthorized use of this program.

cstm>selclass qualifier memory;info;wait;infolog
-- Updating Map --
Updating Map...
-- Converting a (4036) byte raw log file to text. --
Preparing the Information Tool Log for IPF_MEMORY on path memory File ...

.... hpux09  : .... 

-- Information Tool Log for IPF_MEMORY on path memory --

Log creation time: Fri Jun  1 12:13:01 2018

Hardware path: memory

Basic Memory Description 

   Module Type: MEMORY
   Page Size: 4096 Bytes
   Total Physical Memory: N/A 
   Total Configured Memory: 8192 MB
   Total Deconfigured Memory: N/A 

Memory Board Inventory 

   DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 0 DIMM 0A          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0B          2048    
   Ext 0 DIMM 0C          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0D          2048    
   Ext 0 DIMM 1A          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 1B          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 1C          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 1D          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 2A          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 2B          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 2C          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 2D          ----    

   Ext 0 Total: 8192 (MB)


   DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 1 DIMM 0A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 0C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0D          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 1A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 1B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 1C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 1D          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 2A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 2B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 2C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 2D          ----    

   Ext 1 Total: 0 (MB)


Memory Error Log Summary 

   The memory error log is empty.

Page Deallocation Table (PDT) 

   The Page Deallocation Table is empty.

   PDT Entries Used: 0
   PDT Entries Free: 100
   PDT Total Size: 100 

-- Information Tool Log for IPF_MEMORY on path memory --
View   - To View the file.
Print  - To Print the file.
SaveAs - To Save the file.
Enter Done, Help, Print, SaveAs, or View: [Done] #.

It did gave me a better idea of the physical memory layout.

According to this post, the output with part number should look like this:

DIMM  Location       Size(MB)  State   Serial Num       Part Num
-------------------- --------  ------- ---------------- ------------------
Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 0A 2048      Config  PRY07064US       A9846-60301
Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 0B 2048      Config  PRY07063JF       A9846-60301
Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 1A 2048      Config  PRY06372A2       A9846-60301
-------------------- -------- ------- ---------------- ------------------

But, as can be seen, no part numbers in my output. I guess it's a version difference. I found another command to get ALL the hardware in the machine:

echo "selall;infolog;wait"|cstm

but except for a ton of output, it did not contain any part number. The post did reference the following:

You can get the memory dimm part number from cstm and also from GSP/MP

Run the following command..

GSP:CM>df ==> Select A for selecting all and D to dump.

From this out put you would get the exact part number for the dimm and also other HW connected to this box.

The MP referred here is the "HP Integrated Lights Out Management Processor", shortly known as the iLO. Dell calls them iDrac (integrated Dell remote access controller) and on a SuperMicro server it's just called IPMI or OOB (out of band access). It provides a way to power on/off and troubleshoot the server when you cannot access it, often also a remote console.

Since I was not able to go to the machine and reboot into some kind of BIOS or iLO console, I had to resort to connecting via the web or SSH. The web interface was useless on gathering RAM information, so SSH was my last resort.

SSH with modern OpenSSH (7.6) to an HP iLO2

With good hope I connected to the iLO IP from my Ubuntu 18.04 box. Only to be greeted by a happy little error message:

$ ssh Admin@
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Time to configure some old settings. In my ~/.ssh/config file I started with the following:

Host hpux09-ilo
  KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

But of course, just a KeyAlgorithm is not enough:

$ ssh Admin@hpux09-ilo
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching cipher found. Their offer: aes128-cbc,3des-cbc

Let's add that ciphersuite to my ~/.ssh/config:

Host hpux09-ilo
  KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  Ciphers aes128-cbc,3des-cbc

We know that the setting did something, because now it just fails with no helpful error:

$ ssh Admin@hpux09-ilo
Received disconnect from port 22:11:  Client Disconnect

Disconnected from port 22

Lucky for me, the iLO 2 was horribly old and insecure in 2013 already, as this post shows. With OpenSSH 6.2 there were problems connecting to the iLO, back then. I'm on OpenSSH 7.6 so let's hope that their fix works for me as well.

In a firmware update for the iLO2 some of these bugs are fixed, but not all of them, and quoting Oscar A. Perez (who lists "Senior Embedded System Engineer, 100% committed to make Embedded Systems reliable, safe and secure" on it's LinkedIn for 15 years, so I guess probably is legit), it will be hard to fix in the future due to the limited iLO 2 memory:

I had to make lots of changes to the mpSSH server code to get it to work with the new OpenSSH 6.2p1. I hope this is the last time we have to make changes like this one. iLO2 memory is very limited and already full so, we won't be able to spin new firmware releases, every time the OpenSSH folks decide to increase the size of the payload during Key Exchange.

Lower on in the post I do find the correct OpenSSH options to connect. I missed the HostKeyAlgorithms and the MACs. The complete, working configuration in my ~/.ssh/config file looks like this:

Host hpux09-ilo
  HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
  KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  Ciphers aes128-cbc,3des-cbc
  MACs hmac-md5,hmac-sha1

A one-liner with these options:

ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa,ssh-dss -o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o Ciphers=aes128-cbc,3des-cbc -o MACs=hmac-md5,hmac-sha1 Admin@hpux09-ilo

*Do note that a better solution here is to upgrade the hardware and get it under a support contract.

iLO Management Processor hardware information

Logging in gives me a few options to work with:

Admin@'s password: 

              Hewlett-Packard Integrity Integrated Lights-Out 2

    (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1999-2008.  All Rights Reserved.

                           MP Host Name: mphpux09

                              Revision F.02.23


         CO: Console
        VFP: Virtual Front Panel
         CM: Command Menu
      SMCLP: Server Management Command Line Protocol
         CL: Console Log
         SL: Show Event Logs
         HE: Main Help Menu
          X: Exit Connection

[mphpux09] MP> 

The forum post stated to go into the Command Menu:

[mphpux09] MP> cm

(Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

Then to enter the following command:

[mphpux09] MP:CM> df -nc -a

The output contains a long, long list of hardware. You can find it at the bottom of this article. We are interested in the RAM parts. To my pleasent suprise it did list the actual RAM in the machine, the 16 GB, including the part numbers. The Operating system does not see the Ext1 DIMM's, the iLO does:


The cstm output showed me that Ext0 is filled with 4 DIMM's of 2 GB each:

Memory Board Inventory 

   DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 0 DIMM 0A          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0B          2048    
   Ext 0 DIMM 0C          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0D          2048    
   Ext 0 DIMM 1A          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 1B          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 1C          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 1D          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 2A          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 2B          ----    
   Ext 0 DIMM 2C          ----         Ext 0 DIMM 2D          ----    

   Ext 0 Total: 8192 (MB)

The ILO confirms that:


FRU Entry #  16 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0A
FRU ID                  : 0128
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D209E
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D209E

FRU Entry #  17 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0B
FRU ID                  : 0136
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20AA
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20AA

FRU Entry #  18 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0C
FRU ID                  : 0144
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20A2
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20A2

FRU Entry #  19 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0D
FRU ID                  : 0152
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20A8
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20A8

I cannot easily find a replacement for this part number, but it comes up in a HP forum post as a Samsung 2GB module.


Ext1 according to the operating system is empty:

   DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 1 DIMM 0A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 0C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0D          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 1A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 1B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 1C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 1D          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 2A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 2B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 2C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 2D          ----    

   Ext 1 Total: 0 (MB)

The iLO thinks differently:

FRU Entry #  20 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0A
FRU ID                  : 0160
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4D3
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4D3

FRU Entry #  21 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0B
FRU ID                  : 0168
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD72FB723
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D72FB723

FRU Entry #  22 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0C
FRU ID                  : 0176
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4D9
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4D9

FRU Entry #  23 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0D
FRU ID                  : 0184
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4CB
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4CB

So the DIMM's are still in the system, and of all places, Amazon sells these DIMM's. The type is 2GB DDR2 PC2-5300 667MHz 240pin ECC, which is exactly what I need to order a replacement or look into our hardware stash. It took me a good hour, but the part number and some more type information has been found.

I still need to figure out which specific DIMM broke, but that is not in the above output.

iLO Event Log

In the iLO menu, I also saw SL: Show Event Logs. Maybe that will tell me specifically which DIMM could be the culprit.

 [mphpux09] MP> sl

Event Log Viewer Menu:

       Log Name            Entries    % Full      Latest Timestamped Entry
   E - System Event           32         4 %      01 Jun 2018 08:47:06
   F - Forward Progress     4000       100 % 
   B - Current Boot          130        43 % 
   P - Previous Boot         130        43 % 
   I - iLO Event             316        63 %      01 Jun 2018 11:14:55
   C - Clear All Logs
   L - Live Events

Let's view the System Event log, using option E:

Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit: E 

       Log Name            Entries    % Full      Latest Timestamped Entry
   E - System Event           32         4 %      01 Jun 2018 08:47:06

Event Log Navigation Help:

   +       View next block     (forward in time,  e.g. from 3 to 4)
   -       View previous block (backward in time, e.g. from 3 to 2)
   <CR>    Continue to the next or previous block
   D       Dump the entire log
   F       First entry
   L       Last entry
   J       Jump to entry number
   H       View mode configuration - Hex
   K       View mode configuration - Keyword
   T       View mode configuration - Text
   A       Alert Level Filter options
   U       Alert Level Unfiltered
   ?       Display this Help menu
   Q       Quit and return to the Event Log Viewer Menu
   Ctrl-B  Exit command, and return to the MP Main Menu

Just give me everything, D it is:

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >d
   Confirm? (Y/[N]): y

#  Location|Alert| Encoded Field    |  Data Field    |   Keyword / Timestamp
0     BMC      2  0x205A9918E5020010 FFFF0103FCC00300 TIME_SET
                                                      02 Mar 2018 09:27:01
1     BMC      2  0x205A991B79020020 FFFF0103FCC00300 TIME_SET
                                                      02 Mar 2018 09:38:01
2     BMC      2  0x205ABBA1FC020030 FFFF0103FCC00300 TIME_SET
                                                      28 Mar 2018 14:09:00
3     BMC      2  0x205ABBA490020040 FFFF0103FCC00300 TIME_SET
                                                      28 Mar 2018 14:20:00
4     BMC      2  0x205B0FEF26020050 FFFF006F04140300 POWER_BUTTON_PRESSED
                                                      31 May 2018 12:48:38
5     BMC      2  0x205B0FEF28020060 040EA37004120300 CHASSIS_CONTROL_REQUEST
                                                      31 May 2018 12:48:40
6     HPUX 2   2  0x54801C3002E00070 00000000001A100C HP-UX_OS_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN
                                                      31 May 2018 12:48:54
7     BMC      2  0x205B0FEF38020090 FFFF006F04140300 POWER_BUTTON_PRESSED
                                                      31 May 2018 12:48:56
8     BMC      2  0x205B0FEF3B0200A0 040EA37004120300 CHASSIS_CONTROL_REQUEST
                                                      31 May 2018 12:48:59
9     BMC      2  0x205B0FEF420200B0 FFFF056FFA220300 ACPI_SOFT_OFF
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:06
10    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF430200C0 FA00A370FA120300 CHASSIS_CONTROL_REQUEST
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:07
11    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF440200D0 FFFF000943090300 POWER_UNIT_DISABLED
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:08
12    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF550200E0 FFFF006F04140300 POWER_BUTTON_PRESSED
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:25
13    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF560200F0 FFFF027000120300 SOFT_RESET
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:26
14    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF56020100 FFFF010943090300 POWER_UNIT_ENABLED
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:26
15    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF57020110 FFFF006FFA220300 ACPI_ON
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:27
16    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF57020120 0401A37004120300 CHASSIS_CONTROL_REQUEST
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:27
17    BMC      2  0x205B0FEF64020130 FFFF027000120300 SOFT_RESET
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:40
18    SFW      2  0xC15B0FEF71020140 FFFF000A001D0300 CPU_START_BOOT
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:53
19    SFW  0   2  0x5480006300E00150 0000000000000000 BOOT_START
                                                      31 May 2018 12:49:53
                                                      31 May 2018 12:50:01
                                                      31 May 2018 12:50:01
22    SFW  0   2  0x40801CBB00E001B0 0000000000000000 BOOT_SWITCH_INSECURE_MODE
                                                      31 May 2018 12:50:24
23    HPUX 0   2  0x54801C2F00E001D0 0000000000001001 HP-UX_BOOT_COMPLETE
                                                      31 May 2018 12:52:39
24    HPUX 0   2  0x54801C3000E001F0 00000000001A100C HP-UX_OS_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:01
25    BMC      2  0x205B110757020210 FFFF027000120300 SOFT_RESET
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:07
26    SFW      2  0xC15B110760020220 FFFF000A001D0300 CPU_START_BOOT
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:16
27    SFW  0   2  0x5480006300E00230 0000000000000000 BOOT_START
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:16
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:24
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:24
30    SFW  0   2  0x40801CBB00E00290 0000000000000000 BOOT_SWITCH_INSECURE_MODE
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:44:48
31    HPUX 0   2  0x54801C2F00E002B0 0000000000001001 HP-UX_BOOT_COMPLETE
                                                      01 Jun 2018 08:47:06

   -> This is the last entry in the selected log.

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >

Filtering out all the logs (reboots were expected), focussing on the DIMM parts:


Not much help, no clear DIMM location yet. But, I did search around and found this HP support page titled "HP Integrity rx3600 Servers - BOOT DECONFIG CPU Can Be Caused by Memory Dimm Failure". In the log output there are these lines, looking a lot like the above output:

SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF000AFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF000BFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF001AFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF001BFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF010AFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF010BFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF011AFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND
SFW  0   0  0x040000E500E00000 FFFFFFFF011BFF74 MEM_SPD_2G_DIMM_FOUND

In this part I do see a pattern in the Data Field column, the only thing changing looks an awfull lot like a memory location:

  • 00 0A
  • 00 0B
  • 00 1A
  • 00 1B
  • 01 0A
  • 01 0B
  • 01 1A
  • 01 AB

Comparing that to the DIMM layout output from earlier:

  DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 0 DIMM 0A          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0B          2048    
   Ext 0 DIMM 0C          2048         Ext 0 DIMM 0D          2048   

   DIMM Location          Size(MB)     DIMM Location          Size(MB)
   --------------------   --------     --------------------   --------
   Ext 1 DIMM 0A          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0B          ----    
   Ext 1 DIMM 0C          ----         Ext 1 DIMM 0D          ---- 

Not exactly the same but good enough, since it's a different server (the above output seems to be for the 8 port memory carrier board). This post confirms my suspicion on the HEX values corresponding to the DIMM Slots.

HP Integrity rx3600 Server User Service Guide

The HP Integrity rx3600 Server User Service Guide, chapter 5 Troubleshooting, subsection CPU, Memory and SBA, subsection Troubleshooting rx3600 memory has a picture of the 24 slot memory carrier board:

I know this server has 2 24 slot memory carrier boards due to the full output of the hardware list, it states 4 12 DIMM Memory Extender components.

The service guide also lists the error message:

  • IPMI events: Type E0h, 4000d:26d MEM CHIPSPARE DEALLOC_RANK
  • Cause: An SDRAM is failing on the DIMM.
  • Notes: The failing DIMM quad will be deallocated.

Furthermore, the service manual states this:

* Troubleshooting rx3600 Memory
The memory controller logic in the zx2 chip supports three versions of memory expanders. An eight
DIMM memory carrier provides two memory boards that hold two or four memory DIMMs in both
memory cells 0 and 1. A 24 DIMM memory carrier provides two 12-DIMM memory boards that
hold four, eight, or twelve DIMMs in both memory cells 0 and 1.
All three versions of memory expanders must have their memory DIMMs installed in groups of four,
known as a quad. DIMM quads of different sizes can be installed in any physical rank on all
versions of memory expanders, but they must be grouped by their size.

* Memory Subsystem Behaviors
You must replace DIMMs or memory carriers when a threshold is reached for multiple double-byte
errors from one or more DIMMs on the same board. When any uncorrectable memory error (more
than 2 bytes) or when no quad of like memory DIMMs is loaded in rank 0 of side 0, you must
replace the DIMMs. All other DIMM errors are corrected by zx2 and reported to the Page
Deallocation Table (PDT) and the diagnostic LED panel.

* Memory DIMM Load Order
For a minimally loaded server, four equal-size memory DIMMs must be installed in slots 0A, 0B,
0C, and 0D on the same side of the 24/48 slot memory expander; and in the 0A and 0B slots
on both 0 and 1 sides of the 8 slot memory expander.
The first quad of DIMMs are always loaded into rank 0s slots for side 0 then in the rank 0s slots
for side 1. The next quad of DIMMs are loaded into rank 1s slots for side 0, then for side 1, and
so on, until all ranks slots for both sides are full.
Best memory subsystem performance result when both memory sides 0 and 1 have the same number
of DIMM quads in them.

In chapter 6. "Removing and replacing server components", there are 11 pages (185-196), with picutes and example configurations, on replacing the DIMM's. It also has Memory loading guidelines:

Use the following rules and guidelines when installing memory:

  • Install DIMMs in pairs in the 8-DIMM memory carrier and in quads in the 24-DIMM memory carrier.
  • Ensure all DIMMs within a pair or quad are identical.
  • Install quads in order of capacity from largest to smallest. For example, install all 2 GB quads before 1 GB or smaller quads, and install all 1 GB quads before 512 MB quads.
  • Side 0 must have equal or greater memory capacity than side 1.
  • Install DIMM pairs or quads based on the following rules:
    • 1. Load pairs or quads into the memory carrier in order, starting with slot 0 and ending with slot 2.
    • 2. Install the first pair or quad in side 0.
    • 3. Install the second pair or quad in side 1.
    • 4. For the remaining pairs or quads:
      • a. If both sides of the memory carrier contain the same capacity of memory, install the next pair or quad in side 0.
      • b. If side 0 contains more memory capacity than side 1, install the next quad in side 1.
      • c. If side 1 is full, install the remaining quads in side 0.

(Nested lists in Markdown are fun)

The guide even has a list of Customer Replacable parts including HP and replacement part numbers. For my 2GB memory module, it would be AD328A, for sale on lots of places.


Combining all the knowledge and logging, my best guess is that the following slots have issues:

  • Side 1 Slot 0B
  • Side 1 Slot 0C

Replacement DIMM's are ordered and on their way, soon to be replaced in the correct order. Let's hope that the machine get's the other half of it's RAM back and the problem is fixed.

Reference, complete output of MP:CM> df -nc -a

FRU Entry #   0 : 
FRU NAME: Core I/O Board ID:0000


 Mfg Date/Time      : 7462080
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : Core IO Board with VGA          
 S/N                : MYL011Y014      
 Part Number        : AB463-60003
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4848
 Custom Info        : A5
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   1 :
FRU NAME: Mem Extender 0 ID:0001


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6729120
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : 12 DIMM Memory Extender         
 S/N                : TH9842X51H      
 Part Number        : AB463-60112
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4721
 Custom Info        : A2
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   2 :
FRU NAME: Mem Extender 1 ID:0002


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6729120
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : 12 DIMM Memory Extender         
 S/N                : TH9842X51J      
 Part Number        : AB463-60112
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4721
 Custom Info        : A2
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   3 :
FRU NAME: Power Supply 0 ID:0003


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6662537
 Manufacturer       : C&D       
 Product Name       : BULK POWER SUPPLY               
 S/N                : A804070ET3      
 Part Number        : 0957-2198  
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : 00000000
 Custom Info        : 0804
 Custom Info        : 07
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   4 :
FRU NAME: Power Supply 1 ID:0004


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6675416
 Manufacturer       : muRata-ps 
 Product Name       : BULK POWER SUPPLY               
 S/N                : A8371000F7      
 Part Number        : 0957-2198  
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : 00000000
 Custom Info        : 0837
 Custom Info        : 10
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   5 :
FRU NAME: I/O Assembly ID:0005


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6655680
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : 10 Slot PCI-E 1.1 IOBP          
 S/N                : TH9834955H      
 Part Number        : AB463-60028
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4832
 Custom Info        : A2
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   6 :
FRU NAME: Display Board ID:0006


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6703200
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : DVD/Display Board               
 S/N                : TH983910DA      
 Part Number        : AB463-60020
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4814
 Custom Info        : A3
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   7 :
FRU NAME: Disk Backplane ID:0007


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6668640
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : 8 Disk Drive SAS Backplane      
 S/N                : TH9835V650      
 Part Number        : AB463-60006
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4814
 Custom Info        : A3
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #   8 :
FRU NAME: ProcessorCarrier ID:0009

 Type:Rack Mount Chassis
 Part Number        :            
 Serial Number      :             

 Mfg Date/Time      : 6732745
 Manufacturer       : JABIL     
 Product Name       : 2 Socket CPU Carrier            
 S/N                : MYJ84203PH      
 Part Number        : AB463-60113
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : C       
 Custom Info        : 4818
 Custom Info        : A3
 Custom Info        : 0

 Manufacturer       : hp
 Product Name       : server rx3600                   
 Part/Model         :            
 Version            :       
 S/N                :                     
 Asset Tag          :                                 
 FRU File ID        : 11
 Custom Info        : 411

FRU Entry #   9 :
FRU NAME: Interconnect Bd ID:0010

 Type:Rack Mount Chassis
 Part Number        :            
 Serial Number      :             

 Mfg Date/Time      : 6694560
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : SAS Interconnect Board          
 S/N                : TH9838Z061      
 Part Number        : AB463-60025
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4814
 Custom Info        : A2
 Custom Info        : 0

 Manufacturer       : hp
 Product Name       : server rx3600
 Part/Model         : AB596A
 Version            :       
 S/N                : DEH48456BK
 Asset Tag          :                                 
 FRU File ID        : 11
 Custom Info        : 411

FRU Entry #  10 :
FRU NAME: Hot-Plug Board ID:0011


 Mfg Date/Time      : 6658560
 Manufacturer       : CELESTICA 
 Product Name       : PCI Hot Plug Control Board      
 S/N                : TH983515H7      
 Part Number        : AB463-60002
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : A       
 Custom Info        : 4711
 Custom Info        : A2
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #  11 :
FRU NAME: I/O Power Module ID:0015


 Mfg Date/Time      : 2105376
 Manufacturer       : C&D       
 Product Name       : PCI POWER BOARD                 
 S/N                : 9080708250F8    
 Part Number        : 0950-4677  
 Fru File ID        : 10
 Custom Info        : X1      
 Custom Info        : 0825
 Custom Info        : A1
 Custom Info        : 0


FRU Entry #  12 :
FRU NAME: Processor 0 ID:0032

 S-spec/QDF:  LAB5
 Sample/Prod: 01

 Arch Revision                :  00
 Core Family                  :  20
 Core Model                   :  01
 Core Stepping                :  01
 Max Core Frequency           : 1666 MHZ
 Max SysBus Frequency         :  333 MHZ
 Core Voltage                 : 1150 mV
 Core Voltage Tolerance,High  :   64 mV
 Core Voltage Tolerance,Low   :   3F mV

 Cache Size                   :   18 MB

 Package Revision             : NE Substrate Revision: 01

 Part Number                  : 80567KF
 Electronic Signature         : 0003AB71B8C89784

 Upper Temp Ref               :  92 C
 Calibr Offset                :  18 C

 IA-32 Proc Core Feature Flags:  FFFB8743
 IA-64 Proc Core Feature Flags:  1B81806300000000
 Package Feature Flags        :  3F010000
 Devices on TAP Chain         :  2

FRU Entry #  13 :
FRU NAME: Processor 1 ID:0033

 S-spec/QDF:  LAB5
 Sample/Prod: 01

 Arch Revision                :  00
 Core Family                  :  20
 Core Model                   :  01
 Core Stepping                :  01
 Max Core Frequency           : 1666 MHZ
 Max SysBus Frequency         :  333 MHZ
 Core Voltage                 : 1150 mV
 Core Voltage Tolerance,High  :   64 mV
 Core Voltage Tolerance,Low   :   3F mV

 Cache Size                   :   18 MB

 Package Revision             : NE Substrate Revision: 01

 Part Number                  : 80567KF
 Electronic Signature         : 0001E4BA8B93CDD5

 Upper Temp Ref               :  92 C
 Calibr Offset                :  17 C

 IA-32 Proc Core Feature Flags:  FFFB8743
 IA-64 Proc Core Feature Flags:  1B81806300000000
 Package Feature Flags        :  3F010000
 Devices on TAP Chain         :  2

FRU Entry #  14 :
FRU NAME: Processor 0 RAM ID:0036


 Mfg Date/Time      : 0
 Manufacturer       : 
 Product Name       : MTV_A1_1618     
 S/N                : PR1084441T  
 Part Number        : AD391-2100C
 Fru File ID        : B
 Custom Info        : 
 Custom Info        : 4733
 Custom Info        :   
 Custom Info        : 2H64014D2b82    
 Custom Info        : 1


FRU Entry #  15 :
FRU NAME: Processor 1 RAM ID:0037


 Mfg Date/Time      : 0
 Manufacturer       : 
 Product Name       : MTV_A1_1618     
 S/N                : PR108443XV  
 Part Number        : AD391-2100C
 Fru File ID        : B
 Custom Info        : 
 Custom Info        : 4733
 Custom Info        :   
 Custom Info        : 2H64014D2b82    
 Custom Info        : 1


FRU Entry #  16 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0A
FRU ID                  : 0128
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D209E
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D209E

FRU Entry #  17 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0B
FRU ID                  : 0136
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20AA
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20AA

FRU Entry #  18 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0C
FRU ID                  : 0144
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20A2
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20A2

FRU Entry #  19 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt0 DIMM0D
FRU ID                  : 0152
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0xCE00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x01
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : M3 93T5750CZ3-CD5 
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x3343
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x06
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x40
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0x711D20A8
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x00CE010640711D20A8

FRU Entry #  20 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0A
FRU ID                  : 0160
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4D3
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4D3

FRU Entry #  21 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0B
FRU ID                  : 0168
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD72FB723
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D72FB723

FRU Entry #  22 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0C
FRU ID                  : 0176
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4D9
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4D9

FRU Entry #  23 :
FRU NAME                : MemExt1 DIMM0D
FRU ID                  : 0184
JEDEC SPD Rev           : 0x12
JEDEC Mfg ID            : 0x2C00000000000000
JEDEC Mfg Location      : 0x0C
JEDEC Mfg Part #        : 36HTF25672PY-667D1
JEDEC Mfg Revision Code : 0x0100
JEDEC Mfg Year          : 0x08
JEDEC Mfg Week          : 0x36
JEDEC Mfg Serial #      : 0xD925C4CB
Mfg Unique Serial #     : 0x002C0C0836D925C4CB

   -> This is the last entry in the selected list.

-> Command successful.

[mphpux09] MP:CM> sysrev


Current firmware revisions

 MP FW     : F.02.23
 BMC FW    : 05.25
 EFI FW    : ROM A 07.12, ROM B 07.12
 System FW : ROM A 04.03, ROM B 04.03, Boot ROM A
 PDH FW    : 50.07
 DHPC FW   : 01.23
 UCIO FW   : 03.0b
 PRS FW    : 00.08 UpSeqRev: 0c, DownSeqRev: 08
 HFC FW    : 00.04 SetRev: 00
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