This is a text-only version of the following page on --- Title : OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 1, install guide with VirtualBox Author : Remy van Elst Date : 11-04-2023 22:30 Last update : 14-08-2024 23:57 URL : Format : Markdown/HTML --- ![openvms logo][1] OpenVMS on x86 is now available for hobbyists! Almost a year after [the official release](/s/blog/OpenVMS_9.2_for_x86_will_be_released_tomorrow.html). This is a part 1 of my getting started guide, showing you how to install OpenVMS on VirtualBox on Windows 10/11. More parts will follow, documenting license installation, network setup, ssh, application installation etc. [You can read all my OpenVMS articles here][2].

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This guide is a summarized / shorter version of [the official installation guide][7]. It is taylored for hobbyist usage using VirtualBox and helps you to get set up quickly. Please refer to the official documentation for any questions. The official documentation is targeted at VMWare ESXi, this guide is for VirtualBox. - Update: 15-4-2023: [You can read part 2 of the guide here][16]. - Update: 16-4-2023: [You can read part 3 of the guide here][17]. - Update: 14-8-2024: [Serial port is no longer needed and CDE/Decwindows now work, see this page](/s/blog/OpenVMS_x86_E9.2-3_fixes_CDE_and_adds_Guest_Console.html). ### Disable Hyper-V and install VirtualBox You'll need to install [VirtualBox][5] and disable Hyper-V, otherwise you will get a [boot error][6], `No XSAVE instruction`. Installing VirtualBox is a matter of downloading the installer and clicking next/next/next a few times. Disabling Hyper-V is a bit more work. On an adminstrative command prompt, execute the following and reboot: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off To turn Hyper-V back on, change `off` to `auto`. In newer versions of Windows 11 you also need to turn off Memory Integrity. Navigate to `Start` > `Settings` > `Update & Security` > `Windows Security` > `Device security` > `Core isolation` > `Memory integrity`. Alternatively, you can disable VBS completely in the `Group Policy Editor` under `Computer Configuration` > `Administrative Templates` > `System` > `Device Guard` > `Turn On Virtualization Based Security`. I suspected that WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) would stop working, but my WSL 1 installation continued to work. All of my WSL 2 installations are broken, which is expected since they use Hyper-V. They now give the following error code: WSL2 wordt niet ondersteund met uw huidige computerconfiguratie. Schakel het optionele onderdeel Virtual Machine Platform in en zorg ervoor dat virtualisatie is ingeschakeld in het BIOS. Ga naar voor meer informatie Switching Hyper-V on again (`bcedit` command) and rebooting makes them work again without data loss, so it's like the good old days of dual-booting in some sense. You'll also need a `Telnet` client. [Putty][11] is a great one for Windows, but I'm using my (WSL1) linux terminal for it. I have received reports that VMWare Player works without disabling Hyper-V and that some folks only had to disable Memory Integrety on Windows 11, not also disable Hyper-V. Not tested those myself though. ### How to get OpenVMS 9.2 for Hobbyists You must be [a registered hobbyist][4] user. After registration you can download `X86E921OE.ZIP` and the PAK (license) files (``) from [][8]: ![][9] Extract the ISO file. Ignore the `.VNC` file, I'm not sure what it is for, I did not need it. ### Booting the OpenVMS 9.2 x86 installation in VirtualBox Fire up Virtualbox and create a new Virtual Machine. Select OS / Type `Other / Unknown 64 Bit` and give the VM at least 6 GB of RAM and 2 cores, as per [the official guide][8]. Attatch 2 disks, I did 2 of 20 GB and I also enabled UEFI. From [the PDF manual][15]: 1. In the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager window, click Machine, then New. 1. In the Name field, enter a VM name 1. Accept the default for the Machine Folder field, set Type to `Other`, and Version to `Other/Unknown (64-bit).` 1. Click Next. VSI recommends that you set the memory size to `6144MB`, then click Next again. 1. Select "Do not add a virtual hard disk", then click Create and Continue from the warning. 1. Select Settings for the new VM and click System. 1. In the Motherboard tab, uncheck Floppy and Optical, choose Chipset `ICH9`, and check Enable EFI. 1. In the Processor tab, VSI recommends that you set the CPU count to at least 2. 1. Select Storage from the settings menu. 1. Click Add controller, select the `AHCI (SATA)` type controller. 1. Add four disks to this controller in the following order: - `VM1_sysdisk_name.VMDK` (as a hard disk) - `VM1_paging_disk_name.VMDK` (as a hard disk) - `X86092OE.ISO` (as an optical drive) - `VM2_sysdisk_name.VMDK` (as a hard disk) 1. You must add each disk to the available drives first, and then select it for the VM. On the `Serial Port` screen, enable COM1, select `Port Mode`: `TCP` and enter `1023` in the `Path/Address` field. Make sure that `Connect to existing pipe/socket` is unchecked: ![serial settings][10] This serial port is required for the installation. Couple the installation ISO in the VM settings and start the machine. In the UEFI boot screen, look at the `Mapping Table` and see which device says `CDROM`. In my case it was `fs0`. Enter the following command at the EFI prompt: fs0:\EFI\VMS\VMS_BOOTMGR.EFI Replace `fs0` with your cdrom disk. You should now see the following boot screen: ![bootscreen][12] Notice the yellow text stating: `CONNECT A REMOTE TERMINAL SESSION NOW.` - Update 14-08-2024: [Serial port is no longer needed and CDE/Decwindows now work, see this page](/s/blog/OpenVMS_x86_E9.2-3_fixes_CDE_and_adds_Guest_Console.html). In your telnet client, connect to `` port `1023`, see my screenshot. Enter the command `DEVICES` (all capitals) to see the boot device, in my case `DKA200`. Enter the command `BOOT DKA200` to start. The terminal will show the loading progress as will your VirtualBox: ![boot loading][13] When the loading is finished, the VirtualBox screen will show: ![GRAPHIC OUTPUT SUSPENDED][14] Continue on in your Telnet terminal. ### OpenVMS 9.2 x86 installation The telnet terminal will continue printing output, the VirtualBox screen does not show anything anymore. One of the things you'll notice is the following message: VirtualBox users must enable the HPET clock source one-time using the following command: vboxmanage modifyvm {your-vm-name} --hpet on In my case, the VM is named `openvms-9.2-raymii`. After the installation has finished and the VM is off, you must execute the command provided in an administrative command prompt: "\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" modifyvm openvms-9.2-raymii --hpet on The TELNET prompt will now show: VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS (TM) x86_64 Operating System, E9.2-1 Copyright 2023 VMS Software, Inc. [...] You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS X86-64 operating system or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included on the OpenVMS X86-64 distribution media. You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk. Please choose one of the following: 1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS X86-64 Version E9.2-1 2) Display layered products that this procedure can install 3) Install or upgrade layered products 4) Show installed products 5) Reconfigure installed products 6) Remove installed products 7) Find, Install or Undo patches; Show or Delete Recovery Data 8) Execute DCL commands and procedures 9) Shut down this system Press and hold `CTRL`, then press `]`. The prompt changes to `telnet>`. You need to enter the command: unset crlf Press `CTRL+]` again and enter another command: mode char If you don't do this, you cannot enter a `SYSTEM` account password later on. Continue with the installation. Enter `1` as your choice. The prompt reads: This procedure installs the OpenVMS X86-64 operating system. All software and data files that were previously on the target disk will be removed. Do you want to INITIALIZE or to PRESERVE? [PRESERVE] Enter `INITIALIZE` as your choice. The prompt reads: You must enter the device name for the target disk on which OpenVMS X86-64 will be installed. Enter device name for target disk: (? for choices) ? ? Device Name Device Type Name Volume Label Size (blocks/xB) ------------ ------------------------- -------------- -------------------- DKA0: ATA VBOX HARDDISK DKA100: ATA VBOX HARDDISK For volume label and device size enter ?? Enter device name for target disk: (? for choices) If you receive an error like "No devices found", make sure you've selected `IC9` as the chipset and `AHCI/SATA` as the controller type. Enter `DKA0`. The prompt reads: Enter volume label for target system disk: [X86SYS] Press `ENTER` to accept the default. The prompt reads: OpenVMS V9.0 and later requires that the target system disk be initialized with On-Disk Structure Level 5 (ODS-5). Hard links can be enabled on ODS-5 disks. WBEM Services for OpenVMS does not require hard links. (? for more information) Do you want to enable hard links? (Yes/No/?) Enter `Y`. The prompt reads: You have chosen to install OpenVMS X86-64 on a new disk. The target system disk, DKA0:, will be initialized with structure level 5 (ODS-5). Hard links WILL be enabled. The disk will be labeled X86SYS. Any data currently on the target system disk will be lost. Is this OK? (Yes/No) Enter `Y`. The prompt reads: Y Initializing and mounting target.... Creating page file.... You must enter a password for the SYSTEM account. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length, and may not exceed 31 characters. It will be checked and verified. The system will not accept passwords that can be guessed easily. The password will not be displayed as you enter it. Enter a password for the `SYSTEM` user. In my example I used `PASSW0RD`. The prompt reads: Password for SYSTEM account: Re-enter SYSTEM password for verification: For your system to operate properly, you must set two parameters: SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID. SCSNODE can be from 1 to 6 letters or numbers. It must contain at least one letter. If you plan to use DECnet, SCSNODE must be the DECnet Phase IV node name, or the DECnet-Plus (Phase V) node synonym. If you have multiple OpenVMS systems, the SCSNODE on each system must be unique. Enter SCSNODE: I entered the intented hostname here, `REMY1`. The prompt reads: If you plan to use DECnet, SCSSYSTEMID must be set based on the DECnet Phase IV address. Do you plan to use DECnet? (Yes/No) [Yes] Enter `Y`. The prompt reads: DECnet Phase IV addresses are in the format DECnet_area_number.DECnet_node_number DECnet_area_number is a number between 1 and 63. DECnet_node_number is a number between 1 and 1023. If you plan to use DECnet WITHOUT Phase IV compatible addresses, enter 0.0. Enter DECnet (Phase IV) Address: [1.1] I entered `1.42`. The prompt reads: SCSSYSTEMID will be set to 1066. This was calculated as follows: (DECnet_area_number * 1024) + DECnet_node_number Configuring the Local Time Zone TIME ZONE SPECIFICATION -- MAIN Time Zone Menu "*" indicates a menu 0* GMT 1* AFRICA 17) EST 33) IRAN 49) PORTUGAL 2* AMERICA 18) EST5EDT 34) ISRAEL 50) PRC 3* ANTARCTICA 19* ETC 35) JAMAICA 51) PST8PDT 4* ARCTIC 20* EUROPE 36) JAPAN 52) ROC 5* ASIA 21) FACTORY 37) KWAJALEIN 53) ROK 6* ATLANTIC 22) GB-EIRE 38) LIBYA 54) SINGAPORE 7* AUSTRALIA 23) GB 39) MET 55) TURKEY 8* BRAZIL 24) GMT-0 40* MEXICO 56) UCT 9* CANADA 25) GMT 41* MIDEAST 57) UNIVERSAL 10) CET 26) GMT0 42) MST 58* US 11* CHILE 27) GMTPLUS0 43) MST7MDT 59) UTC 12) CST6CDT 28) GREENWICH 44) NAVAJO 60) W-SU 13) CUBA 29) HONGKONG 45) NZ-CHAT 61) WET 14) EET 30) HST 46) NZ 62) ZULU 15) EGYPT 31) ICELAND 47* PACIFIC 16) EIRE 32* INDIAN 48) POLAND Press "Return" to redisplay, enter "=" to search or "?" for help, or Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: I entered `20`, then `1`, for `AMSTERDAM` but you should choose the time zone closest to you. The prompt reads: You selected EUROPE / AMSTERDAM as your time zone. Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]: Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: Configuring the Time Differential Factor (TDF) Default Time Differential Factor for standard time is 1:00. Default Time Differential Factor for daylight saving time is 2:00. The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference between your system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is similar in most respects to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The TDF is expressed as hours and minutes, and should be entered in the hh:mm format. TDFs for the Americas will be negative (-3:00, -4:00, etc.); TDFs for Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia will be positive (1:00, 2:00, etc.). This time zone supports daylight saving time. Is this time zone currently on daylight saving time? (Yes/No): I entered `N`. The prompt reads: Enter the Time Differential Factor [1:00]: I pressed `ENTER` for the default. The prompt reads: NEW SYSTEM TIME DIFFERENTIAL FACTOR = 1:00 Is this correct? [Y]: Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: If you have Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) to register, you can register them now. Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? (Yes/No) [Yes] Enter `NO` to decline. We will register `PAKs` later on after installation. During installation it's a pain to manually copy and paste them. Later on we can just mount an ISO file. The prompt reads: The following products are part of the OpenVMS installation; they will be installed along with the OpenVMS operating system: o Availability Manager (base) for OpenVMS X86-64 o TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS X86-64 o KERBEROS for OpenVMS X86-64 o SSL3 V3.0-7 for OpenVMS X86-64 (based on OpenSSL V3.0.7) o SSL111 V1.1-1S for OpenVMS X86-64 (based on OpenSSL V1.1.1s) o OpenSSH for OpenVMS X86-64 o 64-bit PERL for OpenVMS X86-64 You can also install the following optional products along with the OpenVMS operating system: o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS X86-64 o DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS X86-64 o DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS X86-64 If you want to change your selections, you can do so later in the installation by answering "NO" to the following question: "Do you want the defaults for all options?" Do you want to install DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS X86-64 V1.8? Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: The DECnet-Plus kit is provided with the OpenVMS operating system kit. DECnet Phase IV applications are supported by DECnet-Plus. DECnet Phase IV is also provided as an option. If you install DECnet-Plus and TCP/IP you can run DECnet applications over a TCP/IP network. Please refer to the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Planning Guide for information on running DECnet over TCP/IP. Do you want to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS X86-64 V9.2-D? (Yes/No) [Yes] Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: The installation operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions. In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing ?. Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No] Confirm with `NO`. The installer will now validate files: Performing product kit validation of signed kits ... %PCSI-I-VSIVALPASSED, validation of DMM1:[VMS$COMMON]VSI-X86VMS-VMS-E0902-1-2.PC SI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded %PCSI-I-VSIVALPASSED, validation of DMM1:[KITS.DWMOTIF_SUPPORT_X860921_KIT]VSI-X 86VMS-DWMOTIF_SUPPORT-E0902-1-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded %PCSI-I-VSIVALPASSED, validation of DMM1:[KITS.AVAIL_MAN_BASE_KIT]VSI-X86VMS-AVA IL_MAN_BASE-E0902-1-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded %PCSI-I-VSIVALPASSED, validation of DMM1:[KITS.TCPIP]VSI-X86VMS-TCPIP-X0600-20-1 .PCSI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded [...] After that is finished, the prompt reads: The following product has been selected: VSI X86VMS OPENVMS E9.2-1 Platform (product suite) Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. Configuring VSI X86VMS OPENVMS E9.2-1: OPENVMS and related products Platform Copyright 2015-2023 VMS Software, Inc. VMS Software, Inc. Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: * Product VSI X86VMS TCPIP X6.0-20 requires a system reboot. Can the system be REBOOTED after the installation completes? [YES] Confirm with `Y`. The prompt reads: KERBEROS for OpenVMS X86-64 SSL3 V3.0-7 for OpenVMS X86-64 (based on OpenSSL V3.0.7) SSL111 V1.1-1S for OpenVMS X86-64 (based on OpenSSL V1.1.1s) OpenSSH for OpenVMS X86-64 64-bit PERL for OpenVMS X86-64 Do you want to review the options? [NO] N Confirm with `NO`. The installation will now start, takes a while, about 5 minutes for me. The terminal shows: Execution phase starting ... The following products will be installed to destinations: VMSPORTS X86VMS PERL534 T5.34-0 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS AVAIL_MAN_BASE E9.2-1 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS DECNET_PLUS V9.2-D DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS DWMOTIF V1.8 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS DWMOTIF_SUPPORT E9.2-1 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS KERBEROS V3.3-2A DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1D DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS OPENVMS E9.2-1 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS SSL111 V1.1-1S DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS SSL3 V3.0-7 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS TCPIP X6.0-20 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] VSI X86VMS VMS E9.2-1 DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0% Once the `Portion done: ` shows 90%, you're almost finished: DISK$X86SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70% Restoring STARTUP.NSH file(s)... No files restored ...80%...90% %PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows ... % - Execute SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG.COM to proceed with configuration of % VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. % Portion done: 100% The prompt now prints a whole bunch of text: The following products have been installed: VMSPORTS X86VMS PERL534 T5.34-0 Layered Product VSI X86VMS AVAIL_MAN_BASE E9.2-1 Layered Product VSI X86VMS DECNET_PLUS V9.2-D Layered Product VSI X86VMS DWMOTIF V1.8 Layered Product VSI X86VMS DWMOTIF_SUPPORT E9.2-1 Layered Product VSI X86VMS KERBEROS V3.3-2A Layered Product VSI X86VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1D Layered Product VSI X86VMS OPENVMS E9.2-1 Platform (product suite) VSI X86VMS SSL111 V1.1-1S Layered Product VSI X86VMS SSL3 V3.0-7 Layered Product VSI X86VMS TCPIP X6.0-20 Layered Product VSI X86VMS VMS E9.2-1 Operating System VSI X86VMS OPENVMS E9.2-1: OPENVMS and related products Platform VSI X86VMS TCPIP X6.0-20: VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. VSI X86VMS SSL3 V3.0-7: SSL3 for OpenVMS X86-64 V3.0-7 (Based on OpenSSL 3 .0.7) Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: @SYS$STARTUP:SSL3$STARTUP.COM Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: @SYS$STARTUP:SSL3$SHUTDOWN.COM Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post install directi ons. Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post upgrade verific ation suggestions. Refer to SYS$HELP:SSL30-7-X86.RELEASE_NOTES for more information. It is recommended to run extended IVP tests as a post-installation step. Check the release notes for current status of the product. VSI X86VMS KERBEROS V3.3-2A Configure and set up Kerberos If Kerberos will be run on this system, but has not been used previously, you need to perform the following steps. o Run the Kerberos configuration procedure: @SYS$STARTUP:KRB$CONFIGURE.COM o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:KRB$STARTUP o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM: $ @SYS$MANAGER:KRB$SYMBOLS VSI X86VMS SSL3 V3.0-7: SSL3 for OpenVMS X86-64 V3.0-7 (Based on OpenSSL 3.0 .7) Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: @SYS$STARTUP:SSL3$STARTUP.COM Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: @SYS$STARTUP:SSL3$SHUTDOWN.COM Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post install direction s. Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post upgrade verificat ion suggestions. Refer to SYS$HELP:SSL30-7-X86.RELEASE_NOTES for more information. It is recommended to run extended IVP tests as a post-installation step. VSI X86VMS SSL111 V1.1-1S: SSL111 for OpenVMS X86-64 V1.1-1S (Based on OpenS SL 1.1.1S) Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post install direction s. Review the Installation Guide and Release Notes for post upgrade verificat ion suggestions. Refer to SYS$HELP:SSL111-S-X86.RELEASE_NOTES for more information. VMSPORTS X86VMS PERL534 T5.34-0 Post-installation tasks are required for Perl for OpenVMS. To use the Perl provided with this kit, run the following set-up command procedure, assuming you installed in SYS$COMMON. $ @sys$common:[perl-5_34] You may wish to put that command in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM to make Perl available to all users on the system. Perl includes its own help system called perldoc. Type $ perldoc perldoc for the documentation to perldoc itself. Type $ perldoc perldelta for the changes that are new in version T5.34-0 of Perl. There are many Perl-related resources on the web; point your browser at: to get started, and thank you for using Perl for OpenVMS. VSI X86VMS DECNET_PLUS V9.2-D: DECnet-Plus V9.2-D for OpenVMS X86 Release notes are available in SYS$HELP:HPE_DECNET-Plus-V84.RELEASE_NOTES and SYS$HELP:VSI_DECNET_OSI.RELEASE_NOTES %PCSI-I-SYSTEM_REBOOT, executing reboot procedure ... Shutdown/reboot deferred when this product is installed as part of the O/S installation/upgrade Running SYS$UPDATE:SYS$MD.COM to update the memory disk... Created memory disk DKA0:[VMS$COMMON.SYS$LDR]SYS$MD.DSK;1 - using 184112 blocks in 1 extent with 1018 spare blocks - mounted on LDM1447: with volume label MD2310034C4A - contains OpenVMS E9.2-1 %LD-I-UNIT, Allocated device is LDM1448: The installation is now complete. When the newly installed system is first booted, a special startup procedure will be run. This procedure will: o Configure the system for standalone or OpenVMS Cluster operation. o Run AUTOGEN to set system parameters. o Reboot the system with the newly set parameters. You may shut down now or continue with other operations. Process X86VMS_INSTALL logged out at 10-APR-2023 21:57:53.19 Press Return to continue... Press `ENTER` to confirm. The prompt is back at the beginning and reads: **************************************************************** You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS X86-64 operating system or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included on the OpenVMS X86-64 distribution media. You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk. Please choose one of the following: 1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS X86-64 Version E9.2-1 2) Display layered products that this procedure can install 3) Install or upgrade layered products 4) Show installed products 5) Reconfigure installed products 6) Remove installed products 7) Find, Install or Undo patches; Show or Delete Recovery Data 8) Execute DCL commands and procedures 9) Shut down this system Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/?) This time we want to shutdown. Enter `9`. The prompt reads: Shutting down the system VSI Dump Kernel SYSBOOT Jan 23 2023 14:03:45 ** Error logs not dumped, system disk is write locked. SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE **** Hit any key to reboot system **** You're now done with the installation. Press `ENTER` to reboot. ### First boot of your OpenVMS 9.2 x86 Return to the VirtualBox window, do not close your telnet terminal. You should be at the UEFI prompt again. This time, boot from the disk where we installed OpenVMS. This should be the disk that does not show `CDROM` in the `Mapping Table`. In my case, the CDROM was now `fs1` and the disk was `fs0`. The command is the same: fs0:\EFI\VMS\VMS_BOOTMGR.EFI Return to your telnet terminal. Enter the `DEVICES` command again, you should now see your freshly installed disk: BOOTMGR> DEVICES BOOTABLE DEVICES (System Disks, Installation Kits, other): DKA200 (DVD) = FS1 UEFI: E9_2_1 VMS: None 1574 MB SATA DVD DKA0 (HD) = FS0 UEFI: E9_2_1 VMS: X86SYS 61440 MB SATA Disk Enter the command `BOOT DKA0` to boot from the installed system (the disk we named `X86SYS`). A whole bunch of output appears: Booting... %%%%%%%%%%% VSI OpenVMS (tm) x86-64 %%%%%%%%%%% _______________________________________________ GRAPHICAL OUTPUT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED USE A TERMINAL UTILITY FOR ACCESS _______________________________________________ VSI Primary Kernel SYSBOOT Jan 23 2023 14:03:45 %SYSBOOT-I-VMTYPE, Booting as a VirtualBox (tm) Guest VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS (TM) x86_64 Operating System, E9.2-1 Copyright 2023 VMS Software, Inc. MDS Mitigation active, variant verw(MD_CLEAR) %DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.92.04 %DECnet-W-ZEROLEN, length of file is zero -- SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]NET$CONFIG.DAT %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #3 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #2 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #1 has joined the active set. Installing required known files... Configuring devices... %STARTUP-E-NOPAGFIL, No page files have been successfully installed. %SYSTEM-I-BOOTUPGRADE, security auditing disabled %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.72 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator _REMY1$OPA0: has been enabled, username SYSTEM %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.72 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator _REMY1$OPA0: CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.72 %%%%%%%%%%% Logfile has been initialized by operator _REMY1$OPA0: Logfile is REMY1::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;1 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.72 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator REMY1::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;1 CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.85 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:14.85 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %LICENSE-F-EMTLDB, license database contains no license records %SYSTEM-I-BOOTUPGRADE, security server not started %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:15.05 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 TDF-I-SETTDF TDF set new timezone differential NET$STARTUP, Network not started due to UPGRADE boot %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:04:15.30 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, VSI OPENVMS-X86 use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, VSI OPENVMS-X86 use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager Startup processing continuing... %SYSTEM-I-BOOTUPGRADE, Coordinated Startup not performed AUTOGEN will now be run to compute the new system parameters. The system will then shut down and reboot, and the installation or upgrade will be complete. After rebooting you can continue with such system management tasks as: Configuring networking software (TCP/IP Services, DECnet, other) Using SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to create an OpenVMS Cluster Creating FIELD, SYSTEST and SYSTEST_CLIG accounts if needed %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GETDATA phase is beginning. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, Previous contents of SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.DAT have been copied to SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. You may wish to purge SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, Previous contents of SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.DAT have been copied to SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. You may wish to purge SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, Previous contents of SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.DAT have been copied to SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. You may wish to purge SYS$SYSTEM:CLU$PARAMS.OLD. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:PARAMS.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GETDATA phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENPARAMS phase is beginning. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$MANAGER:VMSIMAGES.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:SETPARAMS.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GENPARAMS phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENFILES phase is beginning. %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]SYS$ERRLOG.DMP;2 created %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, DKA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;1 created Extending DKA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP to 7864554 blocks will take approximately 70 seconds. Please wait ... This will take a minute. Output continues: %SYSGEN-I-EXTENDED, DKA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;1 extended ... done. ****************** %AUTOGEN-W-REPORT, Warnings were detected by AUTOGEN. Please review the information given in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT ****************** %AUTOGEN-I-REPORT, AUTOGEN has produced some informational messages which have been stored in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT. You may wish to review the information in that file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GENFILES phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, SETPARAMS phase is beginning. %SYSGEN-W-SETMAX, value set to maximum for parameter GH_EXEC_CODE %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:05:16.46 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SYSGEN-I-WRITECUR, CURRENT system parameters modified by process ID 00000023 in to file SYS$SYSROOT_MD:[SYSEXE]X86_64VMSSYS.PAR;2 %AUTOGEN-I-SYSGEN, parameters modified %AUTOGEN-I-END, SETPARAMS phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, REBOOT phase is beginning. The system is shutting down to allow the system to boot with the generated site-specific parameters and installed images. The system will automatically reboot after the shutdown and the upgrade will be complete. SHUTDOWN -- Perform an Orderly System Shutdown on node REMY1 %SHUTDOWN-I-BOOTCHECK, performing reboot consistency check... %SHUTDOWN-I-CHECKOK, basic reboot consistency check completed %SHUTDOWN-I-OPERATOR, this terminal is now an operator's console %SHUTDOWN-I-DISLOGINS, interactive logins will now be disabled %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 0, current interactive value = 0 %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPQUEUES, the queues on this node will now be stopped %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:05:16.90 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:05:16.90 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 -RMS-E-FNF, file not found SHUTDOWN message on REMY1 from user SYSTEM at REMY1 Batch 22:05:16 REMY1 will shut down in 0 minutes; back up soon. Please log off node REMY1. Reboot system with AUTOGENerated parameters %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPUSER, all user processes will now be stopped %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPCPU, the secondary processors will now be stopped %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #1 was removed from the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #2 was removed from the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #3 was removed from the active set. %SHUTDOWN-I-REMOVE, all installed images will now be removed %SET-I-PSXROOSET, system POSIX root set to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000] %SHUTDOWN-I-DISMOUNT, all volumes will now be dismounted %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:05:17.31 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 STARTUP, REMY1 shutdown was requested by the operator. VSI Dump Kernel SYSBOOT Jan 23 2023 14:03:45 ** Dumping error logs to the system disk (REMY1$DKA0:) ** Error logs dumped to REMY1$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYS$ERRLOG.DMP ** (used 36 out of 96 available blocks) Restarting the system... Go back to the VirtualBox window and enter the EFI boot command again: fs0:\EFI\VMS\VMS_BOOTMGR.EFI Enter the OpenVMS boot command: BOOT DKA0 More output from `OPCOM` and other system messages, but we're finally getting ready to login. Booting... %%%%%%%%%%% VSI OpenVMS (tm) x86-64 %%%%%%%%%%% _______________________________________________ GRAPHICAL OUTPUT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED USE A TERMINAL UTILITY FOR ACCESS _______________________________________________ VSI Primary Kernel SYSBOOT Jan 23 2023 14:03:45 %SYSBOOT-I-VMTYPE, Booting as a VirtualBox (tm) Guest VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS (TM) x86_64 Operating System, E9.2-1 Copyright 2023 VMS Software, Inc. MDS Mitigation active, variant verw(MD_CLEAR) %DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.92.04 %DECnet-W-ZEROLEN, length of file is zero -- SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]NET$CONFIG.DAT %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #1 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #3 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #2 has joined the active set. %STDRV-I-STARTUP, OpenVMS startup begun at 10-APR-2023 22:07:36.43 %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000404 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.27 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator _REMY1$OPA0: has been enabled, username SYSTEM %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.27 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator _REMY1$OPA0: CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.29 %%%%%%%%%%% Logfile has been initialized by operator _REMY1$OPA0: Logfile is REMY1::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;2 %SET-I-NEWAUDSRV, identification of new audit server process is 0000040A %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.29 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator REMY1::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;2 CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.36 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 %AUDSRV-I-NEWSERVERDB, new audit server database created ( PC 00000000.8001A365) %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.38 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 %AUDSRV-I-REMENABLED, resource monitoring enabled for journal SECURITY %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.39 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 %AUDSRV-I-NEWOBJECTDB, new object database created ( PC 00000000.8001FA80) %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.43 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.43 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %LICENSE-F-EMTLDB, license database contains no license records %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.53 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SECSRV-I-SERVERSTARTINGU, security server starting up %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.54 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SECSRV-I-CIACRECLUDB, security server created cluster intrusion database %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.54 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SECSRV-I-CIASTARTINGUP, breakin detection and evasion processing now starting u p %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:38.61 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 TDF-I-SETTDF TDF set new timezone differential Copyright 2023 VMS Software, Inc. %NET$STARTUP-W-NONETCONFIG, this node has not been configured to run DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS use SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE.COM if you wish to configure DECnet %NET$STARTUP-I-OPERSTATUS, DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS operational status is OFF %DECdtm-F-NODECnet, the TP_SERVER process was not started because either: o DECnet-Plus is not started or is not configured, or o The SYS$NODE_FULLNAME logical name is not defined This could be because when you installed DECnet-Plus and were prompted for the system's full name, you specified a local name instead of a DECdns or Domain name. If you want to use DECdtm services, make sure that DECnet-Plus is started and configured and that SYS$NODE_FULLNAME is defined, then use the following command to start the TP_SERVER process: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECDTM$STARTUP.COM %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:39.00 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, VSI OPENVMS-X86 use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, VSI OPENVMS-X86 use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager Startup processing continuing... %STARTUP-I-AUDITCONTINUE, audit server initialization complete %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.02 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on REMY1, system id: 106 6 Auditable event: Audit server starting up Event time: 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.00 PID: 00000403 Username: SYSTEM The OpenVMS system is now executing the site-specific startup commands. %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.45 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on REMY1, system id: 106 6 Auditable event: Identifier added Event time: 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.45 PID: 00000403 Process name: STARTUP Username: SYSTEM Process owner: [SYSTEM] Image name: REMY1$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]AUTHORIZE.EXE Identifier name: SYS$NODE_REMY1 Identifier value: %X80010000 Attributes: none Posix UID: -2 Posix GID: -2 (%XFFFFFFFE) %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier SYS$NODE_REMY1 value %X80010000 added to rights dat abase %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.54 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on REMY1, system id: 106 6 Auditable event: Identifier added Event time: 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.54 PID: 00000403 Process name: STARTUP Username: SYSTEM Process owner: [SYSTEM] Image name: REMY1$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]AUTHORIZE.EXE Identifier name: DECW$WS_QUOTA Identifier value: %X80010001 Attributes: none Posix UID: -2 Posix GID: -2 (%XFFFFFFFE) %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier DECW$WS_QUOTA value %X80010001 added to rights data base %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.62 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on REMY1, system id: 106 6 Auditable event: Identifier added Event time: 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.62 PID: 00000403 Process name: STARTUP Username: SYSTEM Process owner: [SYSTEM] Image name: REMY1$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]IMGDMP_RIGHTS.EXE; 1 Identifier name: IMGDMP$READALL Identifier value: %X90390001 Attributes: none Posix UID: -2 Posix GID: -2 (%XFFFFFFFE) %PROCDUMP-I-CREATED, rights identifier IMGDMP$READALL successfully created %PROCDUMP-I-CREATED, rights identifier IMGDMP$PROTECT successfully created %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.69 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on REMY1 Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on REMY1, system id: 106 6 Auditable event: Identifier added Event time: 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.69 PID: 00000403 Process name: STARTUP Username: SYSTEM Process owner: [SYSTEM] Image name: REMY1$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]IMGDMP_RIGHTS.EXE; 1 Identifier name: IMGDMP$PROTECT Identifier value: %X90390002 Attributes: RESOURCE Posix UID: -2 Posix GID: -2 (%XFFFFFFFE) %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 64, current interactive value = 0 %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000410 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:40.83 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SMHANDLER-S-STARTUP, server management event handler startup %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:41.55 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SECSRV-I-PROXYSTARTINGUP, proxy processing now starting up %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 10-APR-2023 22:07:41.55 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on REMY1 %SECSRV-E-NOPROXYDB, cannot find proxy database file NET$PROXY.DAT %RMS-E-FNF, file not found SYSTEM job terminated at 10-APR-2023 22:07:42.83 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 3028 Peak working set size: 13936 Direct I/O count: 1563 Peak virtual size: 278096 Page faults: 4052 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:02.50 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:06.46 Finally. Press `ENTER` to start the login: Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) x86_64 Operating System, Version E9.2-1 Username: Enter `SYSTEM` Password: Enter the password you provided during installation. Mine is `PASSW0RD`. %LICENSE-I-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product %LOGIN-S-LOGOPRCON, login allowed from OPA0: VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS (TM) x86_64 Operating System, E9.2-1 $ You can now enter commands, like `SHOW SYSTEM`: $ SHOW SYSTEM OpenVMS E9.2-1 on node REMY1 10-APR-2023 22:10:00.16 Uptime 0 00:02:24 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Pages 00000401 SWAPPER HIB 16 0 0 00:00:00.02 0 17 00000405 FASTPATH_SERVER HIB 10 8 0 00:00:00.01 161 202 00000406 IPCACP HIB 10 8 0 00:00:00.00 138 180 00000407 ERRFMT HIB 9 47 0 00:00:00.03 186 231 00000409 OPCOM HIB 9 53 0 00:00:00.05 157 205 0000040A AUDIT_SERVER HIB 9 127 0 00:00:00.06 242 302 0000040B JOB_CONTROL HIB 10 26 0 00:00:00.04 177 243 0000040D SECURITY_SERVER HIB 10 38 0 00:00:00.02 286 342 M 00000410 SMHANDLER HIB 8 50 0 00:00:00.03 270 294 00000411 SYSTEM CUR 0 7 93 0 00:00:00.05 374 321 List all logged in users: $ SHOW USERS /FULL OpenVMS User Processes at 10-APR-2023 22:10:43.32 Total number of users = 1, number of processes = 1 Username Process Name PID Terminal SYSTEM SYSTEM 00000411 OPA0: List all the files in the current folder: $ DIR Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR] ACCOUNTNG.DAT;1 CLUE$STARTUP_REMY1.LOG;1 IOGEN$PREFIX.DAT;1 NET$INSTALL_IDENTIFIERS.LOG;1 OPERATOR.LOG;2 OPERATOR.LOG;1 SYS$DUMP_CONFIG.DAT;1 SYS$SMHANDLER.LOG;1 VMSIMAGES.DAT;1 Total of 9 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] ACME$START.COM;1 ACME$START.TEMPLATE;1 AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.TEMPLATE;1 AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.TEMPLATE;1 AMDS$DIAGNOSTICS.COM;1 AMDS$DRIVER_ACCESS.DAT;1 AMDS$DRIVER_ACCESS.TEMPLATE;1 AMDS$LOGICALS.COM;1 AMDS$LOGICALS.TEMPLATE;1 AMDS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE;1 CDE$STARTUP.COM;1 CDRECORD.COM;1 CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM;1 CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM;1 CREATE_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTS.COM;1 CTF$STARTUP.COM;1 DBLSTRTUP.COM;1 DECNET_DNS_REGISTER.COM;1 DECNET_DNS_TOWERS.COM;1 DECNET_LOC_REGISTER.COM;1 DECNET_REGISTER_DECDNS.COM;1 DECW$ATOMCONTROL.TEMPLATE;1 DECW$CONSOLE.COM;1 DECW$DEFAULT_DESKTOP.COM;1 DECW$DEVICE.COM;1 DECW$DEVICE_CONFIG_COMMON.COM;1 DECW$EURO_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE;1 DECW$EURO_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE;1 DECW$GETPARAMS.COM;1 DECW$INSTALL_IMAGES.COM;1 DECW$LBXPROXY.COM;1 DECW$LBXPROXY.DECW$PMCFG;1 DECW$LBXPROXY_SUB.COM;1 DECW$LOGICALS.COM;1 DECW$MWM.COM;1 DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE;1 DECW$SETPARAMS.COM;1 DECW$STARTAPPS.COM;1 DECW$STARTI18N.COM;1 DECW$STARTLIBS.COM;1 DECW$STARTSM.COM;1 DECW$STARTUP.COM;1 DECW$START_PROXY.COM;1 DECW$SYLOGIN.TEMPLATE;1 DNS$CLERK_CLUSTER.NCL;1 DNS$CONFIGURE.COM;1 DTSS$CONFIG.COM;1 DTSS$CONFIG_TEMPLATE.DAT;1 EDTINI.TEMPLATE;1 ICC$ADD_REGISTRY_TABLE.COM;1 ICC$CREATE_SECURITY_OBJECT.COM;1 IOGEN$PREFIX.TEMPLATE;1 ISA_CONFIG.TEMPLATE;1 ISIS$CONFIGURE.COM;1 ISIS$CONFIGURE_HELP.COM;1 JBC$DST_COMMAND.COM;1 KRB$LOGICALS.COM;1 KRB$SYMBOLS.COM;1 LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM;1 LAT$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE;1 LIB$DT_STARTUP.COM;1 LOGIN.COM;1 LOGIN.TEMPLATE;1 NET$APPLICATION_SHUTDOWN.TEMPLATE;1 NET$AUTOGEN.COM;1 NET$CONFIGURE.COM;1 NET$DNS_CLERK_STARTUP.NCL;1 NET$DNS_CLERK_STOP.NCL;1 NET$DTSS_CLERK_STARTUP.NCL;1 NET$EVENT_LOCAL.TEMPLATE;1 NET$LOGICALS.TEMPLATE;1 NET$SHUTDOWN.COM;1 RTTLOAD.COM;1 SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL;1 SMISERVER.COM;1 SSH$RUN_CLEANUP_PROCEDURE.COM;1 SYCONFIG.COM;1 SYCONFIG.TEMPLATE;1 SYLOGICALS.COM;1 SYLOGICALS.TEMPLATE;1 SYLOGIN.COM;1 SYLOGIN.TEMPLATE;1 SYPAGSWPFILES.COM;1 SYPAGSWPFILES.TEMPLATE;1 SYS$DUMP_CONFIG.TEMPLATE;1 SYS$INDICTMENT_POLICY.COM;1 SYS$INDICTMENT_POLICY.TEMPLATE;1 SYS$LOGIN_SWITCH.COM;1 SYS$NET_SERVICES_TCPIP.COM;1 SYSECURITY.COM;1 SYSECURITY.TEMPLATE;1 SYSHUTDWN.COM;1 SYSHUTDWN.TEMPLATE;1 SYSHUTDWN_0010.COM;1 SYSHUTDWN_0010.TEMPLATE;1 SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM;1 SYSTARTUP_VMS.TEMPLATE;1 TCPIP$BINDSETUP.COM;1 TCPIP$BINDSETUP_HELP.TXT;1 TCPIP$BIND_CLUSTER_SETUP.COM;1 TCPIP$BIND_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$BIND_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$BOOTP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$BOOTP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$CALLBACKS.COM;1 TCPIP$CONFIG.COM;1 TCPIP$CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$CUSTOMER_SERVICE_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM;1 TCPIP$DHCP_CLIENT_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$DHCP_CLIENT_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$DHCP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$DHCP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$FAILSAFE_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$FAILSAFE_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$FINGER_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$FINGER_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$FTP_CLIENT_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$FTP_CLIENT_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$FTP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$FTP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$IMAP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$IMAP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$INET_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$INET_DRIVER_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$INET_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$INET_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM;1 TCPIP$IPSEC_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$IPSEC_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$LBROKER_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$LBROKER_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$LOCKD_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$LOCKD_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$LPD_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$LPD_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$METRIC_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$METRIC_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$NFS_CLIENT_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$NFS_CLIENT_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$NFS_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$NFS_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$NTP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$NTP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$PCNFS_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$PCNFS_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$POP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$POP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$PORTMAPPER_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$PORTMAPPER_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$PROXY_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$PROXY_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$PWIP_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$PWIP_DRIVER_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$REXEC_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$REXEC_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$RLOGIN_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$RLOGIN_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$RMT_CHECK_ACCESS.COM;1 TCPIP$RMT_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$RMT_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$RSH_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$RSH_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$SMTP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$SMTP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$STATD_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$STATD_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$SYMBOLS.COM;1 TCPIP$TELNETSYM_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$TELNETSYM_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$TELNET_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$TELNET_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$TFTP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$TFTP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$UCP_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$UCP_STARTUP.COM;1 TCPIP$V51_CONVERSION.COM;1 TCPIP$XDM_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 TCPIP$XDM_STARTUP.COM;1 TFF$SYSTARTUP.COM;1 TFF$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE;1 UCX$CONFIG.COM;1 UCX$STARTUP.COM;1 USB$STARTUP.COM;1 UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM;1 VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT;1 VMS$DEFINE_PASSWORD_POLICY.COM;1 VMS$IMAGES_MASTER.DAT;1 VMSIMAGES.DAT;1 VSI$SUPPORT.COM;1 WELCOME.TEMPLATE;1 WELCOME.TXT;1 Total of 194 files. Grand total of 2 directories, 203 files. $ Before continueing with the network and SSH setup, remember that clock / hpet command? Shutdown the system with the `SHUTDOWN` command. Then, on an administrative Windows Command Prompt, enter the command: "\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" modifyvm openvms-9.2-raymii --hpet on ### Configuring PAKs and networking The next part of this guide will show you how to install the PAKs (license keys) and how to setup networking / SSH. You can look [at my other OpenVMS articles][2] to read more on OpenVMS usage. Update: 15-4-2023: [You can read the next part of the guide here][16]. [1]: /s/inc/img/Vms-arrow-logo.jpg [2]: /s/tags/openvms.html [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: /s/inc/img/openvms-x86-no-xsave.png [7]: [8]: [9]: /s/inc/img/sp-vsi-openvms.png [10]: /s/inc/img/openvms-x86-serial-virtualbox.png [11]: [12]: /s/inc/img/openvms-x86-boot-telnet.png [13]: /s/inc/img/openvms-x86-boot-2.png [14]: /s/inc/img/openvms-x86-boot-3.png [15]: [16]: /s/blog/OpenVMS_9.2_for_x86_Getting_Started_part_2.html [17]: /s/blog/OpenVMS_9.2_for_x86_Getting_Started_part_3.html --- License: All the text on this website is free as in freedom unless stated otherwise. This means you can use it in any way you want, you can copy it, change it the way you like and republish it, as long as you release the (modified) content under the same license to give others the same freedoms you've got and place my name and a link to this site with the article as source. This site uses Google Analytics for statistics and Google Adwords for advertisements. You are tracked and Google knows everything about you. Use an adblocker like ublock-origin if you don't want it. All the code on this website is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license unless already licensed under a license which does not allows this form of licensing or if another license is stated on that page / in that software: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Just to be clear, the information on this website is for meant for educational purposes and you use it at your own risk. I do not take responsibility if you screw something up. Use common sense, do not 'rm -rf /' as root for example. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact me. See for details.